Our Services
Find all of our services and treatments listed below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to reach out through our contact form.
Speech & Language Education
Early Intervention
Early intervention services are aimed toward children between birth and the age of 3. These services are available in Adams and Weld counties through North Metro Community Services and Envision.
In-Home Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Telepractice & Teletherapy
Preschool & K-level Learning Centers
Individual speech and language services in preschool and K-level learning centers throughout the North Metro Community Services.
Group Skills Classes
Group Therapies
Treatment Techniques

We earned a Level 5 TalkTools Certification by training with expert instructors who follow a standardized, attainable and results-based training program.

LSVT LOUD is a treatment program originally developed for adults with Parkinson disease. This intensive, neuroplasticity-based treatment addresses a range of communication impairments and is personalized to the unique communication goals of each child.
Beckman Oral-Motor Program
Beckman Oral Motor provides intensive hands-on workshops taught by Debra Beckman, who has worked in the field of communicative disorders since 1975, specializing in motor speech disorders.
Kaufman Speech Treatment Approach
The It Takes Two to Talk Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalized group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together.
See and Learn Program
See and Learn Speech is an evidence-based program designed to help children with Down syndrome develop spoken language skills and clearer speech.
Feeding Techniques
Resources + community for parents feeding kiddos with Down Syndrome. Support in transitioning from breast, bottle, or tube feeding to solid food.
Copy-Kids is a joy-filled show featuring kids eating fruits & vegetables with joy and delight. A simple but revolutionary tool for parents to get their kids to love nutritious foods.